Free, Simple & Quick Computer Security Update for Windows

19 04 2013

Updating your security is a proactive way to ensure that your computer is up and running when you need it. Even if you have anti-virus programs, it is important to keep your computer security up to date through Microsoft. Your setting may be configured to allow for automatic updating, if they are not, here is a free and simple way to make sure that your computer is up to date against the latest security threats.

What are Windows Security Updates?

Security updates are fixes to possible security threats in Windows programming and  help improve the performance and reliability of windows and other applications

Why do I need to update my security?

People who create viruses and other malware look for weak and vulnerable spots in programs, Windows’ engineers work to continually update their programs to patch those weak and vulnerable parts of your system.

How often are security updates available?

Along with all other Windows Updates, Windows Security Updates are available once a week. They typically are available Tuesday afternoons.

There are also security and critical updates that can be released daily.

How does it work?

The security updates are downloaded onto your computer and any security problems are patched up.

How to update your security:

You can either do this manually or automatically and either way, it is very simple:

2. Find “Windows Update”

3. Choose “Check for Updates”

4. Your computer will either be updated or you will be given the option to update your computer. If it is updated, you will see a message like this:

(If you see this message your setting are most likely set to be automatically updated)

If you do not receive this message, then Windows will prompt you to update your system, which includes your security updates.

If your updates are not already automatic, changing your setting to make updates occur automatically is simple:

From the Windows Update menu, go to “Change settings” and from here, you can configure automatic updates.

If you do not want your updates to occur automatically, then go to “Let me choose my settings” and configure your settings how you prefer.

From here, you are given a variety of options to update your settings:

If you have a system administrator, such as Networks Unlimited, then chances are these updates are handled for you. If your setting are pre-set, your screen will appear like this:

These screen shots are from a Windows 7 machine. If you have a different machine and need help, just ask . I can also provide Windows 8 screen shots- just ask!

Majority of Mobile Devices not Prepared for Security Attacks

5 04 2013

Trend Micro, a leading security software company, reported a 500% increase in mobile cyber attacks last year. With this growing problem, experts are finding that many mobile operating systems and security applications are not ready to defend against the growing attacks. PC’s are no longer the only target for internet hackers. Because more people are conducting their business and banking on mobile phones and tablets, new devices such as smartphones and tablets are opening new avenues for hackers and malware.  Even more reason for alarm, Garter reports that tablet shipments have grown by 69.8% as PCs and laptops Decline 7.3%. So, not only are tablets and smartphones more susceptible to attacks, but they are taking large shares in the market place.

Android and apple IOS are vulnerable to cyber crime because their operating systems have many vulnerable holes in their development. As of current, Blackberry is strongest in defending against these attacks. However, Blackberry is currently one the least popular devices on the market despite their recent attempt at a come-back.

Many of the cyber attacks come from downloading applications for smartphones or tablets. Trend micro also reports that mobile banking transactions are up by 60% from last year. Because of this tremendous growth, users of smartphones and other mobile devices need to practice extra caution when conducting online banking.

Currently, protection is bleak. However, as the problem grows, the market will meet the demand for better protection and stronger operating systems. Because these platforms are still so new in comparison to PC’s, hackers have not fully unleashed their potential on mobile attacks. Until better security programs and measures are made, here are some precautions that you can take to protect your device against future attacks.

– Turn off your Bluetooth function when it is not being used:

Bluetooth is one way that viruses and malware are being transmitted to other devices.

– Only accept downloads from trusted sources:

Many free applications can jeopardize your security, especially if you do not read the fine print in the terms and conditions.

– Delete emails and text messages from unknown senders

Malicious emails and texts are not threat unless they are opened. You can prevent many attacks from simply deleting messages from unknown senders

Interview with Trend Micro VP of cybersecurity, Tom Kellerman:

Windows 7 Navigation for Windows 8

15 03 2013

The latest version of Windows, Windows 8, is void of a start menu that was popular with previous versions of Windows. Many users that now have Windows 8 miss navigating through their computers the way they did with previous versions of  Windows.

Thanks to Classic Start, users are now able to have a start menu as they did before. This app allows Windows 8 users to have the Windows 7, XP or Vista start menus for Windows 8. Computers will still have the squares of Windows 8, but this app brings back the functionality of the earlier Windows’ start menus. This free app has become a popular alternative to navigating through Windows 8.

To get this app, just go to

This website provides a list of other helpful apps, but this is where you will find ” Classic Start Shell Win8″ start menu.

1.Scroll down the page until you find the classic start shell win8 start menu.

The app button looks like this:

2. Click on the icon and scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “get installer” button

After you click the get installer button, it will download on your computer.

3. You will then click on “Run” when prompted:

Soon, you will be enjoying navigating through your computer as you once did with previous versions of Windows.

3 Current & Common Viruses: & How to Prevent Them.

8 03 2013


What this virus does: This virus gives a message that your computer has been blocked because it has been involved with the distribution of pornographic material, SPAM and copyrighted content.

Your computer will continually play a message that says, ” FBI Warning. Your computer is blocked for violation of federal law.”

According to, this virus can also access your computer’s installed webcam to show images of your room to make the virus seem more authentic.

This virus then prompts a message demanding $400.00 to unlock your computer from “MoneyPak.” Never give credit card or payment information.

Where it comes from: Most likely, this virus comes from clicking on images in an email.

How to Prevent this: Only open emails from trusted senders. Also, do not click on images in your email.

What it looks Like:

The Better Business Bureau Virus :

What this virus does:  The virus searches your computer for bank and account information. The email contains a link that brings you to a fake BBB website that is awkwardly written.

Where does it come from: After opening a fake email from the BBB, The BBB Virus enters a computer from opening the fake email and clicking the links within the email.

How to Prevent this: The email looks real, but you can tell this it not really from the BBB because the links will not provide contain the at the end of them.

What the BBB Email looks like:

The Windows Security Alert Viruses:

What these viruses do:  According to Microsoft, faux windows security warnings can: Lure you into a fraudulent transaction,  steal your personal information, install malware that can go undetected as it steals your data, launch pop-up windows with false or misleading alerts, slow your computer or corrupt files, disable Windows updates or disable updates to legitimate antivirus software and prevent you from visiting antivirus vendor websites.

Where do they come from?

This comes from pop-up advertisements when visiting websites.

How to prevent them: Do not click on pop-up advertisements while on the internet.

What the Window Security Alert Virus can look like:

It is difficut to determine exactly where viruses come from. Chris, one of our Hesk Desk Technicians says,”It can be hard to pinpoint how users pick up these viruses. I have seen my own home machine pop up a warning ‘you are infected’ just by visiting seemingly innocent web pages. In some of them the coding in the page itself is weak and has been compromised.”

 As Chris highlights, sometimes even highly trusted and common websites have viruses in their advertising. It is not the site itself that passes on the virus, but the advertisments on the web page.

Overall, avoid opening emails from unknown senders and avoid clicking on website advertsiments. This will significantly decrease your chances of contracting a computer virus.

4 03 2013

Your business relies on your computers. Here is one man’s story of losing his personal data. If this had been a business computer, he very well could have been out of business.

Windows Compatibility: Making the Transition Easy for Your Business

1 03 2013

Windows 8 has now been released for several months and the push for it will only continue. Many users, maybe including yourself, want to continue working with Windows 7. There are a variety of reasons that users would want to stay with Windows 7. Maybe this is what they having been working with for the past few years and want to continue. It could also be that the software used is not compatible with Windows 8 just yet. Regardless of the operating system you choose, here are a few things that you need to do:

1. Call your software providers.

Whether you choose to upgrade to Windows 8 or to stay with Windows 7, you need to make certain that the software you use to run your business will continue compatibility with the operating system you choose.

If your business uses industry specific software, call your software providers and ask if they will continue supporting Windows 7. If you plan to upgrade to Windows 8 at any point, you must also ask if the software is or will be able to work on the Windows 8 platform.

2. Check with Windows Compatibility Center.

With so many options with Microsoft products themselves, use Windows Compatibility Center to check for compatibility. This gives options to choose which software you are currently using and if it is and will continue to be compatible with your current operating system.

3. Update As Needed.

After calling your software providers and checking for compatibility, you may or may not need updates to software and your operating system. In the long run, this will save your business time and money if you proactively make these changes.

What does “The Cloud” Mean?

22 02 2013

Chances are you have been working in or with the cloud for years. Now you keep hearing the term “the cloud” and wonder what that means and if you should shift your business to this “cloud.”

The good news: the cloud is not a new idea; the term has just grow wildly popular. Have you ever used an AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, or other email accounts? If so, you have worked in the cloud. Simply, working in the cloud means working from the internet. Instead of having software installed on your computer to run programs, those programs are ran in through the internet. This creates a wide variety of benefits for your business. Check out some growing cloud services here.

The cloud allows for omnipresence, or accessibility from anywhere, saves time with access from any computer with an internet connection, and is cost effective because you pay for what you use in the cloud.

If you are away from your office computer, whether you be ill, on vacation, or traveling for work, cloud computing lets you access your business tools from anywhere with an internet connection. This convenience greatly appeals to business. Your users can conduct business functions from almost anywhere.

Probably most importantly for many small businesses, is that working in the cloud is cost effective. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on software, many cloud based services are pay-as- you- go or pay-what- you-use. This allows flexibility as your business needs change.

The cloud allows your people to be productive, saves your business time, and saves your business money. If you are reluctant to make the switch, you don’t have to do it all at once. Try moving some basic business functions to the cloud and give it a test drive. Cloud services do present a challenge to all-sized businesses to deploy and manage. We at Networks Unlimited are always working to find the right IT systems for our customers and cloud computing is no different. Please contact us to discuss how cloud computing can be of benefit to you and your business. If you have questions about moving to the cloud, let us know and send us an email at