Your small business can write off more tech spending in 2013

19 04 2013

Mohawk Computers Blog

Can your small business thrive if you are depending on outdated technology? Probably not. You need current technology today to communicate with your clients and customers, examine sales trends and more successfully handle everything from bookkeeping to payroll. Fortunately, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 includes a hefty tax break for small businesses that put money into new technology. Here’s a brief look from BizTech Magazine at how this tax break works and how it can help your small business stay on top of the technology curve.

An important tax break

According to the American Taxpayer Relief Act, businesses can now write off as much as a rather notable $500,000 of new technology and equipment expenditures in 2013. This may provide small businesses with the boost they need to more vigorously update their technology. Businesses, for instance, might elect to upgrade their computer operating systems to Windows 8. Or…

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